
"At Crossroads #1", 109 x 103 cm

Katriina Flensburg

Svenska Quiltakademin 

The Quilt Academy of Sweden was founded with the aim of providing a pedagogically comprehensive course structure and range in the specific creative genre. The courses and group and individual supervision have consistently covered both traditional and modern methods and techniques, ethnic and cultural expressions and experimental work oriented towards modern art. The foundation of the teaching has been to convey knowledge and illustrate methods that enable independent creativity.

The academy was initiated and is run by textile artist/educator Katriina Flensburg. Through her art, teaching, and lectures, she was an early pioneer in Sweden and the Nordic countries when it came to reviving and deepening interest in the globally rapidly growing field of textile art.

Katriina acquired extensive knowledge and skills in the subject during a few years in the United States. After her return home she supplemented her studies with textile and aesthetic subjects at Uppsala University, initiated a nationwide guild and became its first chair. She drew attention to the need for well-structured, methodical, and complete comprehensive teaching in the subject. With her academy, she developed a pedagogical concept that is both based on and affirms performance-free home crafts, advanced arts and crafts in terms of technique and execution, and free artistic creation. The courses are mainly lead by Katriina herself but  from time even by her skilled colleagues with various textile specialties.

Starting from the years of pandemic the outreach activities and the number of courses is reduced in favor of contract education/training and the work with financing and operating of the international artist residency named Art ́n Fiber®

Katriina Flensburg & Art Quilt Studio

Katriina conducts her personal artistic activities in and through her studio located above the academy facilities. In her artwork, she uses free experimental techniques adopted from various textile disciplines established within the genre of fiber art. In international contexts, Katriina is Sweden's most frequently recognized exhibiting artist in the field. She is a member of a number of artist communities such as the prestigious Uppsala Artists' Club for Professional Artists, the Swedish Artists' National Organization/KRO, Surface Design Association/ SDA and the organization Studio Art Quilt Associates /SAQA where she is included in the category "Professional Artist Member" (jury admission).

